Notes Archive for Observations

For the last few months at least I have been answering some more and more pointed questions about the workings of Father Christmas. Our five year old son kept putting out tighter and tighter net of inquiries around me. It is not my job to disturb the magic, so here…
Ho ho ho
Dec 26, 2024 (0 Comments)
The universe is looking at itself. I am part of that happening and I have a series of previous experiences that allow me to see the world in a certain way. But how many of these experiences are my own? How much do I really see and understand and am…
Driving a little car through t…
Dec 10, 2024 (0 Comments)
We have managed to automate ourselves into an artificial heaven or hell. It must be heaven for some. Automated digital products clearly make it possible for some to achieve what seemed like complete science fiction not so long ago. We use machines to measure our steps, connect us to others,…
In the context of the artifici…
Dec 3, 2024 (0 Comments)
almost aligned
almost aligned
Feb 27, 2024 (0 Comments)
This is just a side note. As I was about to turn off this big screen here, I came across a small note from a very old friend. He commented on a picture I took almost 20 years ago. And he commented then. It did not take long until I…
Just a side note
Jan 11, 2024 (0 Comments)
I recently drove across Europe, in an over 30 year old camping bus. And I was trying to use as little diesel and oil as possible. But whom am I fooling. However, the experience was both profound and rejuvenating. Instead of death-scrolling, with my thumb, here I was slowly passing…
From one lucky parasite to ano…
Nov 16, 2023 (0 Comments)
Departing Paris again
Departing Paris again
Nov 9, 2023 (0 Comments)
March first. Think later. Imagine what is on the other side of this crazy brown hill ahead. And then the imagination will possibly reward you, if it is not very good. And it will punish you if the expectations it built are unattainable.The beautiful patterns of temples. The mosaics over…
Think later, or never
Mar 1, 2023 (0 Comments)
Flowing in something much larger
Flowing in something much larg…
Aug 25, 2022 (0 Comments)
A good bench in a good park
A good bench in a good park
Aug 6, 2022 (0 Comments)
Possibly a fact. Definitely an opinion.
Possibly a fact. Definitely an…
May 27, 2021 (0 Comments)
Beauty in even the very scary parts
Beauty in even the very scary …
Mar 30, 2020 (0 Comments)
It will rain today. The storm will be heavy and water will pour down on London as if it had been carried over from the Baleares by some gigantic left hand. But for now it is a calm and gentle morning and the birds in the garden are easily out-singing…
Welcoming songs in the memory …
Jun 21, 2019 (0 Comments)
When I first started writing here, it was to create a counterbalance from within myself and for myself. The twin towers had just been destroyed, and from their ashes emerged both the feelings of empathy and kindness but also eventually a certain amount of hate. After the first shock settled,…
The never fully explored count…
Jun 14, 2019 (0 Comments)
The birds have calmed down now. Just a few are still talking. Or so it seems. The days are getting longer so quickly now. And the complex morning symphony is more intense and earlier in the day. Can’t at all describe what was happening around 4:30. The fox came back….
Do they ever meet?
May 25, 2019 (0 Comments)
The birds have calmed down now. Just a few are still talking. Or so it seems. The days are getting longer so quickly now. And the complex morning symphony is more intense and earlier in the day. Can’t at all describe what was happening around 4:30. The fox came back….
Do they ever meet?
May 25, 2019 (0 Comments)
Self medicated sleep deprivation. I think I. Remember that it works. At least it used to. It creates the illusion. Of quick decisions, a pretend-rational-bubble. It is a bit like being drunk on one’s own toxin-mix. Amplifiers can enter through the eyes, ears, mouth, skin. The possibilities are endless really….
Perchance to create
Dec 30, 2018 (0 Comments)
The tea and the incense arrived at the same time. They were ordered from very different places. Yet here I am, looking at the tiny hot orange dot in the darkness, still feeling the energy of the freshly prepared Kuradashi Matcha, I just had the privilege to drink. I sat…
Or is this moment right now?
Oct 19, 2018 (0 Comments)
At the table in a smallest room of the apartment, with over a hundred boxes of books and items that would probably delight a hoarder more than me. I am staring at the big screen again, next to me a disk I am erasing completely, so I can give that…
Terabytes and Thoughts and Tan…
May 28, 2018 (0 Comments)
Some simple thoughts about hunger, fear, motivation and the power of creativity
Some simple thoughts about hun…
Dec 22, 2017 (0 Comments)
Schöpfung durch die Wunde
Schöpfung durch die Wunde
Sep 2, 2017 (0 Comments)

Jun 14, 2015 (0 Comments)
The 47 things I have learned while drinking 489 bowls of ceremonial green tea in public.
The 47 things I have learned w…
Jan 7, 2015 (0 Comments)
On layered tides of various speeds.
On layered tides of various sp…
Dec 30, 2014 (0 Comments)
20x20 Live NYC (Sources of Inspiration)
20x20 Live NYC (Sources of Ins…
Sep 17, 2014 (3 Comments)
Peeling Reality
Peeling Reality
Sep 12, 2014 (1 Comment)
It is enjoyable to use that not very well documented sense of location awareness to float through the apartment with eyes almost closed, in the middle of the night. The moon does make things easier, of course, and so do all the little lights and sounds around the apartment. The…
Passing by…
Sep 12, 2014 (0 Comments)
Shadows Near a Path
Shadows Near a Path
Sep 3, 2014 (0 Comments)
Talking about the Weather and the Universe
Talking about the Weather and …
Aug 29, 2014 (0 Comments)
The scale of things and other stuff.
The scale of things and other …
Aug 27, 2014 (0 Comments)
there is a storm hitting the windows right now. the sky is a dark white, yellowish, sounding like sheets of steel tin bouncing against the sparks of a large bonfire. the newspaper just landed outside of my door. saw my parents yesterday. showed them around the apartment. they looked very…
important moments invisible to…
Dec 16, 2007 (0 Comments)
several walks today. variety of distances. several rolls of film. slowly getting used to shooting again. no i am not slowly getting used to shooting again. i have to relearn the most basic ways of seeing the connections that make decent pictures. finding that slideshow of some old photographs was…
such an amazing luxury
Nov 25, 2007 (0 Comments)
I was allowed to sit by the window today. It was early and the diner was relatively empty. There I was, looking at the Bus stop, and at the man in front of me in the other booth. Behind him was a mirror and in the mirror was an older…
Jul 21, 2002 (0 Comments)
Letter from the hungry tourist
Letter from the hungry tourist
Apr 28, 1993 (0 Comments)