Notes Archive for Consciousness

For the last few months at least I have been answering some more and more pointed questions about the workings of Father Christmas. Our five year old son kept putting out tighter and tighter net of inquiries around me. It is not my job to disturb the magic, so here…
Ho ho ho
Dec 26, 2024 (0 Comments)
The universe is looking at itself. I am part of that happening and I have a series of previous experiences that allow me to see the world in a certain way. But how many of these experiences are my own? How much do I really see and understand and am…
Driving a little car through t…
Dec 10, 2024 (0 Comments)
We have managed to automate ourselves into an artificial heaven or hell. It must be heaven for some. Automated digital products clearly make it possible for some to achieve what seemed like complete science fiction not so long ago. We use machines to measure our steps, connect us to others,…
In the context of the artifici…
Dec 3, 2024 (0 Comments)
when the house is beautiful, then the thoughts within can become more beautiful. even if the house is itself a thought, or an imagined edifice.every house and everything we have ever created began as a thought, or as a perceived thought. a dip into the giant explosion of the universe…
a beautiful place here now
Mar 11, 2024 (0 Comments)
It all started with drawing. It is all drawing still, somehow. My drawings grow and they intersect. They are an intersection of materials, ideas and moments. My photography and my ceramic work is based on my drawings. All is a growing process somehow started somewhere and then on its way…
thinking about drawing thinkin…
Feb 27, 2024 (0 Comments)