wild boxes

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wild boxes

coming home in the evening, after a day of work and a muggy commute, it was nice to see that the wild boxes are still roaming the patches of kensington.
right near the prospect expressway, two of them played catch in the grass.
not very big these two, one probably a bit younger than the other, but most likely fallen from the same nest.
i did not dare to come closer, as they could have run away towards the cars. or worse, they would have tried to come home with me. and i would need to feed them, probably right away.
chances are that they will follow someone else. they will find food in some home near church avenue, or on caton.
and the grass will wait for the next wild thing. a mattress perhaps, or some crazy bottles or plastic bags that can't stop but wish everyone a nice day.
even in the middle of the night.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on October 1, 2010 6:23 AM.

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