Jim Schatz Feeder : Black Squirrel 0:1

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I had to end this feast by taking down the feeder after watching it for a little while. It took the squirrel several weeks to figure out a special jump that allowed it to hold on to the wire with its back legs while bypassing the egg and holding on to one of the rods. Brilliant little animal. The feeding was so good, I had to go out with a broom to keep the squirrel from jumping on me while I was taking off the feeder. I will need to engineer some sort of stopper for the suspension rod, to maybe keep the little guy away from the bird food for another few weeks. Incredible really. Here is the link to the Egg Feeder Site. (Birds indeed loved that thing.)

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Well, it is only "Gray Squirrel Proof" ;-)

na klar kann ein witold nicht einfach einen meisenknödel an einer langen schnur aufhängen, da muss schon ein design-vogelfutterspender her. :-)
ein grund mehr, an der "gutes design vor meiner nase"-serie für herrn riedel weiterzuarbeiten.
bis dahin einen schluck auf sie aus der mono-teekanne.

der obere kommentar war von mir, sofern man es noch nicht vermutet hat. sorry. X-)

Gold medalist material here! This image of all conquering squirrel is going to be my inspiration to be all I can be today...or um, cleverly obscond with that which wasn't meant to be mine.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on February 20, 2006 5:19 PM.

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