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Well, maybe about NOW would be the time to add an entry to this semi dead space. Things have been more active here than the Parisian rush hour and so there is a slight blockage, several entries that wait to be written. But... there is a great project, currently under way, I was invited to participate and I am on it. Lia invited me to be one of the 24 New Yorkers who create the content in her group MoBlog of 48 hours city madness. You can visit the site, there are some people in this who have much better phones than I do, and better websites, and stuff... The site is: 24in48.org and it is a pretty wild place. It made me try a toasted everything bagel with eggs and cheese, for example... Those who were upset with me because I have not posted a decent picture here for a while, can now see almost every one of my moves on that site... seriously.

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Sounds a really great idea - heading over there now!

It made me try a toasted everything bagel with eggs and cheese, for example

what? how can you never have tried that? sooo good.

was my first time... : )
I think i still like them more on good old rolls... : )

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on November 19, 2004 4:44 PM.

A glimpse of an experienced moment so short, this entry should be read in under a minute. And if not, then not, then maybe not tonight. was the previous entry in this blog.

The coldest turkey is the next entry in this blog.

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