A very strange entry written on a Palm Pilot, connected via Bluetooth to a PowerBook, as a little victory over little digital devices.

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Very silly entry this is. I had to start this one in yodaEnglish, bacause I really feel as if I were celebrating my newly discovered ability to touch my left ear with the little toe of my right foot. I look ridiculous right now. I at a tiny foldable keyboard, to which I connected that Tungsten T3 I have been obsessing with for the last few weeks now. I am writing this entry into a really tiny entryfield that does not even have such luxury like a scroll bar. The screen I am typing this here on has a resolution of 320x480 (I wish 480 were the width, but I would need a different keyboard for that.) The ridiculous part is that it took me several days to get this little devil connected to the web. I still am not quite sure how I managed... Well, my connection to the internet is established via Bluetooth, a little Personal Network, through which I am communicating with my PowerBook, which is connected to the internet via a hub, which gets its network IP addresses from an Airport Station, not really utilized otherwise in this particular excercise. So imagine me, the little Palm setup on a wacom tablet, in front of a 20inch flat LCD, with lights blinking, staring at the tiniest screen available in the house. I must be insane. I crawled into a tiny hole and am using a wire remote to make donuts on the parking lot... oh boy... But hey, the cute part is that I managed to connect the toys and that I think that the site does not look half bad when seen through the eye of a Palm Handheld device... Somebody please pinch me... I should be drawing... not surfing in a puddle... ; ) (If you can read this, then I managed to actually post the entry as well, which is pretty amazing...) ...

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wow and i can leave comments too?

...and the letters don't look any worse for the wear.

...Maybe you should write the novel emplying only yr' Palm™

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on June 24, 2004 9:34 PM.

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