quick sunrise note...

to wake up at sunrise is to see a slow wave of spectacular color roll over the city. And because of the way things are built here and because of my windows facing west, it appears as if the day began with glowing buildings across the river, in New Jersey... Some are golden, burning, right now, and soon all of Manhattan will also dive, head first, into this golden bath, which will then turn into that color neutral daylight. Have to rush now. It will be interesting to take the subway on such a Sunday morning... or maybe I should just walk? 50 blocks... this morning will belong to Adobe and their butterfly... -- and then... (it turns out that the butterfly session will probably take place next week, and not today. It was just me and the security guy at the adobe offices... but that's really okay... it will be nice to go back to sleep now too...)... (8:44AM)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 25, 2004 6:15 AM.

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it's not easy being green... is the next entry in this blog.

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