missing some good things...

Just woke up, just now, and it is 2AM, not 6PM as I had hoped when I went to take a short nap... and I really looked forward to seeing the amazing Elizabeth Harper last night. She performed downtown. And then right after this certainly incredible performance, at 8PM there was How To Kick People the March installment of the series of readings and speakings by the shamelessly intelligent Todd Levin and Bob Powers... So now I do not know how to feel a little happier (Elizabeth Harper's songs are really something and her voice... wow...) or how to kick people... and I am mostly kicking myself and it is after 2am and I will probably end up jet lagged tomorrow... or today?... Maybe now is a good time to travel to see another beautiful sunset I missed today over at Stoink, a barely born new photolog posted by "pyl213", who has an incredible view of sunsets over New Jersey (while others in her building think they have all the fun because their windows face towards Manhattan). I think the blog will document the ever changing look of her sunsets... (the last entry seems very sad... hmm... hope things are okay...) Maybe it is a perfect time to take a peek into the incommon. It is such a beautiful little place... and the brilliant little lists of of things on this also barely created blog remind me of my favorite lists in The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon or maybe in the Max Frisch diaries... (are lists very subtle hints at a brilliant mind?) Incommon is one of the many creations of a brilliant mind behind IN... (sorry for using the word "brilliant" so many times, but it is really late right now...) Or maybe it is time to read the archives of Ben Saunders's blog as he "takes on one of the toughest physical challenges ever; a journey that has so far defeated the world's leading explorers and mountaineers."... Hmm... Not only is this man doing something that no human has ever done before, he makes it look really rather beautiful... (it is a very nice looking site, isn't it?) Or... Hmm... let's see if there is anything good right now on my own personal dream channel... (Sleep, after all, is the poor man's drug of choice...) : )

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 1, 2004 2:37 AM.

in flight entertainment represented by a golden beverage (in two variations)... was the previous entry in this blog.

a breather... is the next entry in this blog.

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