just a regular day...

Yes, we went to see Queen Mary 2 as she is docked just a few blocks from the office. She was obviously very well protected and maybe not quite as approachable as some of the ships usually are. She is quite spectacular though... no matter how one looks at her. I remember throwing up from the deck of this Polish ocean liner... We spoke about not taking pictures. We spoke about the ability to not be there. Abwesendheit. We spoke about the difference between objects created to touch the soul compared to things that invented to be sold. We spoke about fruit that looks great and has no taste. We spoke about the strange sensation that life happens in New York and that it is performed by amateurish actors in many other places. We spoke about the difference between a virtual encounter and a one on one personal conversation. We saw each other even though we were on completely different continents. Some of the old friends reappeared again. Some people from high school reappeared as... well, two people from high school... only with different titles. Some other old friends resurfaced as human beings, more real... somehow good... I am finally getting a little better... I think we might take a tour around Manhattan this weekend... If the weather will end up being as good as expected...

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 22, 2004 11:18 PM.

layers upon layers of sources and other really tiny things in very close proximity... was the previous entry in this blog.

reflective surfaces... is the next entry in this blog.

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