Eternal Mind of a Spotless Sunshine...

The legendary sun came out to play today. It was a glorious day in the streets of the giant wind tunnel called Manhattan. It is so glorious to see the city be at its best, the shiny reflection of itself, repeating itself in the windows and hopes and happy moments and memories. And the moon is going to be powerful again tonight. And I never even imagined that I would ever cry watching Jim Carrey on the silver screen... well, who would have thought. The eternal mind of a spotless sunshine in the city... And Michel Gondry is a genius... but we all knew that, didn't we?... Oh, and I finally realized that I have three ages. I am a 34 year old Polish guy with a serious memory problem, a 23 year old German with an attitude problem and an almost 9 year old american kid who should not be writing anything about anything after it is bedtime, which is about now... well, maybe in a few hours... Why did it take me this long to realize that each language actually carries a new life in itself... they do, give it a shot... or maybe they only do for me, as I like to dive into them as if they were body temperature water, me being jello, maybe... made out of bones and things... And the legendary sun came out to play today. And I yet have to see the legendary grass. And then I will believe that it is really time to smile again... today I cried... and I probably should go visit Lacuna?... (Oh, and did you notice that the daring characters had Polish names?... Did you notice that?)


you listed two reasons as to why its soooooooo:

(continued in email)

I too noticed the polish names. What a wonderful film it was. Nice to meet you. Look frward to working together and getting to know each other.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 6, 2004 7:27 PM.

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