scans from that other pocket

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Well, yes, there is that other book, in my other pocket with me at all times, it is the dirty one, the one where the other pens get to scratch the surface and to just break things and to write silly little remarks which will maybe mean something to me when I will try to decipher them in a few weeks, or years... or maybe not even... oh well... Hmm... I completely forgot about that scanner I have here just around the corner... so just as a test, some quick and dirty scans of the quick and dirty pages... of that other book, you know... that other book....

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witold! i like these "quick and dirty pages"
who is the little tuber man in the first image? he is cute. also, i especially like the little moon-headed fellow with his mushroom friend etc in the third image. very sweet.

so droll! i love the drawings! thanks for sharing ... i've been visiting your site for a while, now, and really enjoy it.
saying hello from california,

WOO HOO. Yay for the draw.

Third image, cenre of the recto; the one with the red hands - I love that guy!

: )
thank you... : D

as we travel through time and space, a little digital tool takes snapshots that are infinitely valuable - a glimpse of a particular slice of space-time that no one will ever see, hear, feel, taste, and smell again -- a rare find indeed.

Visit my website to find out more about me.

Chris Smith o

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on March 4, 2004 7:55 PM.

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