¿por qué?

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The lady who always arrives here at 7PM to empty my office waste basket just walked by. She was on the phone again, so her head was clearly in a different location. She must have bought a headset recently, she used to hold on to the phone with her shoulder. She spoke Spanish, at a level I could not really understand, but she cried and kept repeating certain words... Oh, she cried so bitterly, so horribly... This made me wish she were here, not there, where somebody was hurting her, right in front of me. She tried to hold back the tears and she waved off my offer to somehow help... but barely out of sight, she was crying again... oh this is just breaking my heart.

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somehow i'm reminded of a scene in "the road to perdition". the father has deposited his son in the waiting area of a jam-packed train station for a few hours while he goes to a meeting. he has no babysitter, so a train station has to do.

everyone in the station is sitting on long benches, elbow-to-elbow, reading their newspapers. we can't even see their faces... just newspapers.

the little boy looks so lost amongst all of these grown-ups. no one looks up. he's scared and alone. and he starts to cry. but no one notices.

*what a gentle spirit you have Witold*

downright creepy

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on March 18, 2004 7:23 PM.

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