
There were flashing lights in the penthouse suite of a building not far from here. They were very bright, very flashing. Minutes later there was a helicopter with a searchlight, it was suspended over a patch of land that had not yet been turned into buildings. Whenever I see one of these "g-birds" I am reminded of a Wolfgang Tilmans photograph... I think taken in London... A pigeon landed on the window here yesterday. It was rather nice to be visited by a bird, even if she was definitely not visiting me... and then again this morning... around the same time... the same pigeon. I know that it was the same one, there were white feathers on the ends of her wings, like the two tone paintwork on a luxury car in the forties, rather nice and elegant... We did not have time to talk...

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on March 25, 2004 8:35 AM.

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