As a boy, I would sometimes get my eyes very close to the carpet and look at the legs of chairs and tables and imagine them being large modernist buildings on the vast planes of Carpetia. At other times, I would imagine that the ceiling of my room were the floor and that the crazy mess of my many started playful experiments just glued itself to what was now the ceiling.
At other times I would look at things with one eye, objects placed on a table, and I would play with the depth of field of things. The pepper would be in focus, then salt, then these became blurry and there was my dog, looking at me with the very clear message that it was time to go outside...
It might be time to revisit some of the experiments of the weightlessness of the observer, (sans dog,) and see what happens when we explore a bit more of what appears to be the familiar, in ways that take out of the equation the little fragments that give away the source... Let's hide the source, let's make proportions disappear, let's remove the sense of location from the shots.
Let's explore some familiar landscapes... and reduce them to just that... landscapes... can this be done without making the images appear like yet another silly photo-experimentation?... Hmm... does it matter?...
Also... how much different will images of seemingly familiar landscapes be from any image of any thing... How much do we assume to know about what we see in photographs and how much is really there? Can we escape the urge of the mind to put whatever we see into some box of things we already know?
Does our overly saturated, daily trained visual mind play tricks on us anyway? Do we always only see what we know, in any kind of photograph, or even in general?
Let's see what happens next...

I think you take great pictures. I do not think you have to think before you take them. Just take them and something tells me we will like them.Navel gazing is backwards,.
: ) I hope some of the pictures are the way they are because I thought about them before I made them... : )
You just make it look easy :)