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Every single part of her carried the message of her beauty. A fragment of her was set in stone, but it was the missing pieces that would grow and transform themselves in the minds of generations. She appeared incomplete only to the those without imagination. Those who had beheaded her, must have considered her destroyed. She is still glancing at them, with ever new, ever re-imagined, perfect smiles. Holding on to her back... for all these centuries... but that's a different story....

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What about the passing of Helmut Newton?
Any thoughts there?

Oh, my staff of dedicated editors really wanted to work on a Helmut Newton special... but I was not able to pay them... or was I able to carve more time out of the day to write anything myself... hmm... I wish this here were the only thing I would do... and it paid my rent... : |

Sorry about that. Paying the rent is a tough one. got me there.

Well... this website is actually run by one person... (okay, tom flemming in london has done most of the coding)...
But the website is really just me...
and I somehow work a lot... so I barely have time to post anything here... : \
Oh well...

It is sincerely appreciated.
Every last drop.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on January 27, 2004 8:25 PM.

arrogance included... was the previous entry in this blog.

One last time. is the next entry in this blog.

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