The original post contained the quote that points towards the story told in the Rembrandt painting in this photograph... but it was all just so incredibly pedagogic... so now it is all gone. Some will thus enjoy the photograph below much more than others... and I think this is also a part of the idea of the image itself...
Reflecting Bathsheba...
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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on January 24, 2004 9:25 AM.
let's get back to happy was the previous entry in this blog.
4 Chambers of Spirit and Opportunity as observed between the lines of a short flight of thought put together by Witold Riedel, who is mostly very invisible, and maybe for a good reason. is the next entry in this blog.
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What's the story of the original image?
I was wondering this myself! Also, I just looked up pedagogic (sp?) and saw it does not mean too racy to post, it means:
Main Entry: ped·a·gog·i·cal
Pronunciation: "pe-d&-'gä-ji-k&l, -'gO-
Variant(s): also ped·a·gog·ic /-jik/
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education
- ped·a·gog·i·cal·ly /-ji-k(&-)lE/ adverb
which sounds good :) ....
Here is an interesting story behind a painting... maybe you know it..
The artist Edvard Munch may have come close to depicting this existential and frightening noise. In fact, he entitled his haunting canvas, “The Scream”. Strangely enough, this is what he writes about the inspiration behind the painting....
"I was walking along the road with two friends.
The sun was setting.
I felt a breath of melancholy -
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red.
I stopped, and leaned against the railing, deathly tired - looking out across the flaming clouds that hung like blood and a sword
over the blue-black fjord and town.
My friends walked on - I stood there, trembling with fear.
And I sensed a great, infinite scream pass through nature."
Munch painted the masterpiece in Oslo (then known as Christiania) in the late 1800s. The image of a skeletal and horror-struck figure, clutching his ears and howling, has intrigued art historians and psychologists for decades - but more recently has piqued the imagination of scientists, geologists and writers.
Two weeks ago, it was widely reported that professors from Texas State University discovered that the skies did indeed turn a rather violent red over Oslo between 1883-84. This was due to a volcanic eruption that took place thousands of miles away on the island of Krakatoa in Indonesia. The blast was reportedly the loudest explosion on record and caused 40,000 deaths - mostly from the resulting tsunamis.
In another development, geologist and author Simon Winchester (Krakatoa: The Day The World Exploded) connects the eruption at Krakatoa in August 27, 1883 to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and political unrest in Indonesia. He seems to feel that the recent terrorist attack in Bali was a continuing aftershock of the volcanic eruption.
I don’t know if any of these connections are correct...
--from an aritcle by Ellen Horowitz
Also, from someone who has experienced many dark corners, come to find out they aren't very dark, or even if there are, and you look closely, you may see beautiful things... and that happy is an illusion leading nowhere, same with sad... but that the nature of things and yourself, with or without fluctuating mind, is good, overall... primordial purity...quintessence... and there is really no getting around it, you are floating in it, not apart from it, and the more you just relax and don't worry, the more you can see you are... not being good, not being bad, it just is... and whether you work in a big city, or live in the mountains, or swim n the ocean, we are all part of it, one beginningless/endless ..... buddhists even look at dath and birth as an illusion, they only exist in (all of our) our conceptual mind.... just like this body, these people, ths typing... :)
okay, sorry for the super very long post... but i hope you have a good day... and I do still love all your work... photos drawings... lovely :) (and I still in my heart feel you should not be so shy about the drawig center, but that is just me.... :)
K you need a blog.