let's get back to happy

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Okay, let's get back to happy. Let's smile and wait for the good feelings to kick in. Let's not get caught up into staring into the shadowy corners, looking for some dark stuff. Let's just make this world a better place. Let's grow. Let's make the kids happy (any kid is fine). Let's walk the dogs (long and joyful walks). Let's make sure to be around for sunrise and sunset and awake in between. Let's not waste any time on destruction, let's make beautiful things. Let's make things and ideas and everything great... grow and glow and snow on all.... (yey!) go!

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Lets get happy I believe comes upon you like a
memory you have from childhood of the perfect summer day. I can remember days that were incredibly orgasmic in just being alive. They do not seem to be willed into being they seem to wash over you like a big wave at the beach. cosmic mysteries come in cycles, just as the night must follow the day.

(I completely agree with you...)
: )

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on January 24, 2004 8:43 AM.

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