arrogance included...

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Some of the best moments might be the ones that are left to be just that... moments. The ones that are not measured in time, words, brightness, anything really. When one manages to achieve the level of complete presence, a full awareness of the now... oh how incredible can this all be. No thought dares to cloud these moments. No ideas shout for attention. Wow... yes... The next level might be perhaps that which is the seriousness of a child at play. It is that, "zone" you know. That ocean of a line, or maybe the talking puppets. The leaves, the sky, the little stones. Anything has a life, a personality, a role. They might be not the most complex ones... but they are often more powerful than the things themselves. Wow, not bad... And then there is the very well calculated, the planned, the executed, the strategically positioned, the smart, smart thing to do. There are the plans, there are the memories, there are the lost moments, captured... but not by our minds or hearts, but by machines, or by devices of wonder, things that were imbued by others with some magic that we, after purchase, can also just unleash... It is the planning and the calculated thought and intrigue that have brought us to the high places in which we now reside, isn't it? We planned ourselves here, we saw the target and we did whatever it took to get here. And now we celebrate the path, we look back at it and we admire how primitive those look whom we, the great thinking ones left behind. And we put those who experience the pure moments into glass boxes. Those who draw and follow their playful instincts are put on medication... and only those who truly sneak their way into the rhythm of contemporary expectation, only those are then chosen to become our leaders. Because they look so darn good at it. And they capture the moment... and then... what will anybody ever do with that incomprehensible captured moment?... will we call the experts?... a committee? What if we just imagined what we really are... without anything that was given to us by those who were here before us and without anything stolen from those who will come after us?... what if we just imagined that... just very briefly... suddenly... well, I don't really know... I just do not think we really went that far... and maybe it was not even a "progression"...

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wow... incredible stuff, witold.

We can never for a momment imagine what we are because we never come close to getting it right.
If we did come close it would be off the mark because we change from momment to momment. Right now in this momment looking at the snow and frozen temperatures would like to imagine lying on the beach in the virgin islands. :)

Excellent meditation , plus you were wise enough to include the arrogance for free.

I love the picture, and the sentiment. Alot to think about....

Abs x

There are some things that we aren't supposed to know, dear Witold. Some things that can't and shouldn't be dissected and explained-away with words or charts or math. Are we better off knowing all the answers of "why" and "what for" or isn't it better to strive for "not knowing" and continue to marvel at every day/person/object/thought with wide-eyed astonishment, as if truly seeing for the first time? Don't you think it's amazing just how fragile the world is and yet it continues to bravely chug away on auto-pilot, as if it knows something we don't? I don't need to know how or why we work, I'd rather leave some mysteries unsolved. It's much more fun that way, wouldn't you agree? :)

Yes.... you are absolutely right... (now I actually feel a bit silly for having written anything beyond the picture...)
: )

Thoughts CAN become very lost if left unattended, dear Witold. Always keep a careful eye on your mind and make sure she doesn't wander off too far, otherwise you might end up creating new thoughts simply to chase down the strays! Hello mind. Yes, I see you. Please wait for daddy's guiding hand before you cross that busy intersection...

: D
my tired mind fell asleep at the wheel a few days ago... and this is why some things here definitely do not make sense... sorry for that...

So if you're right brained, Stephan, does that automatically make your brain Female?

You cannot make your brain male or female. Gender is between your ears and sex is between your legs.

Yes, Emily. I've learned over the years never to argue -women are ALWAYS RIGHT!

Right about what?

If I told you, you'd never believe me!

: D
haha... Stephan, you are always brilliant!

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on January 26, 2004 10:30 PM.

4 Chambers of Spirit and Opportunity as observed between the lines of a short flight of thought put together by Witold Riedel, who is mostly very invisible, and maybe for a good reason. was the previous entry in this blog.

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