This page contains a single entry by Witold published on December 13, 2003 7:18 PM.
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the last ones.....those pink fluffy starflowers! i'd like to have them printed onto fabric and then sewn into dresses and skirts and bags and quilts and curtains... they make me feel like dancing!
The pink ones do feel much lighter... yes they do... : )
Make you feel like dancing... that's great... : )
I like the blue serene and...solid. Like something that would smell like earth and blueberries.
wonderful. : )
(such different moods...)
Anna!, just opened the pink ones next to your (excellent) site and they really liked each other. : )
Winter flowers.
Oh, and I loved the illustration you did for Workbookstock in this months print. For a second I thought someone had ripped you off... Fantastic.
Oh, the Workbookstock ads... yes, I made all of them this year. : ) Thank you for the kind comment... : )
i never did see how that ad turned out, witold, can i have a looky? :)
i love the blue ones in particular... anna's right, they'd be great on a skirt or something. hehe :)
: )
will be very happy to share the entire campaign... it is just that my entire commercial catalogue has been out to lunch for almost a year now...
(well, I was not... )
beautiful! they look like kornblumen. very lovely...
your work is so breathtaking! thank you.