natto dessu yo!


Not sure why I never posted this rather odd photograph of a sly chipped bowl of freshly scooped out natto, next to a little hotel ashtray with roasted coffee beans, on a haywood wakefield nesting table with a lamp mostly present as a reflection in the wood surface and of course as source.
I really like natto very much. I can not buy much of it at a time, because I end up eating the whole pack quickly.
What natto is and what it does next to coffee beans? Hmm... Some other time, maybe... (I actually already wrote a little about natto here some times ago... just search for "natto", you will find the tiny entry.)
Picture taken April 2002. Hmm... Natto is gone, coffee beans are gone, the containers, the table, the lamp, even this weird sofa are all still there, in the same place. I am not there now. I wish I were.


nice blog!!!!!!!

Nice to see photography make an appearance again.

Great to finally meet you at Rannie's get-together a few weeks back!

i think of natto as sort of the gorgonzola of soybean products... (^_^;) ...

praytell, where does one find natto on this hairy island? i'm natto curious.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on June 17, 2003 7:53 PM.

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