While on eBay...


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The dangerous item I wanted to look at was a vintage World War 2 Graflex Airplane camera. Basically a regular 4x5 camera in a housing that allowed it to be used in American planes in the 40's...
Hmm. Very dangerous. Can you see it? Test how protected you are.


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... how interesting... i can see the auction just fine... wanna screenshot?

yes, Witold, the auction is up to $17.16 as of this day...

Yeah, I could see it, very cool!

http://pages.prodigy.net/gallagherhouse1/jan30ww2cam.jpg is the url of the image. So far.

Weird restriction, though.

Worked fine from NZ - closed about 117$ US

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 20, 2003 12:08 PM.

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