We did not rent the factory, we just bought it. Like that. It was not very difficult. The area was not "popular" with developers yet. Seven magnificent floors. All with large windows facing the river. The pater-noster elevator in the north side of the building was a bit scary at first, but once we replaced the dirty panels with toned glass in various colors, we would just spend hours and hours in one of the cabins, as if traveling in circles on an indoor ferris-wheel. The floors were now named after colors. I liked the orange floor most, perhaps. Only good thoughts would come to our minds as we would watch the sunsets over the man made mountain-range: Manhattan.
The green floor was maybe even more incredible, it was a bit of a half floor, actually. When the weather permitted, we would open the glass wall and then the inside and the outside became one large garden. Some were sceptical if such large trees could be planted on top of a building, but they could and they were and so it was a real glory to rest on the glass and to listen to the leaves in the wind and the birds, almost surprised to find such an amazing island in the sky.
The white floor was open in a very different way. It was a place where ideas would just walk in from the street (whatever the street would be) and just multiply, grow and turn more and more mature. Dreams would then dance with them and they would soon embrace the entire neighborhood (whatever that would happen to be).
Where there is , there is shadow, of course, but even the shadows were colorful projections of ever moving images and sounds and just sensations. The dark floor was a very windowless area deep underneath the factory, but it was still just drenched with good visions and kept promises.
It was the context, really, that made this project a new center of good-will. Soon there were massive daily gatherings as we were serving food for thought. And the currency was ideas. Even the tiniest ones would be accepted as a form of payment. Tips welcome.
I am not quite sure when it was that I woke up.
there is no need to wake up.
o-oh, continue on with this (logging dreams).... :)
hmm, yes, I almost forgot about the wakeuplog...
: )