And now...


and there is was again, the moment of weightlessness the short breather, the tiny glimpse of just quiet, not moving stand still. What would follow. The screaming fall?, the ride into a tight loop?, would there be a long time, upside down, the pressure high in the eye-balls? Or would there be more of the pushing toward the sky. Just a beginning of a longer journey upwards...
I really wonder, I wonder what will be. How it will happen, and how unpredictable the consequences will turn out to be. Right now, this second, here and now... there is just the soft sound of a spinning harddrive, there is just the dim glow of an LCD screen, there is a warm silicon animal on my lap.
Now what? Why now? How come? Where will it go? Or is this it? This was it? There will be no more? Or just very different?
I probably should not even ask.


didn't they warn against silicon animals on laps? :D

yes, yes, I know... dangerous. I hear... I know... maybe this is why I end up writing so much. : )

what brand glue is that?

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 12, 2003 4:55 PM.

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