111 pages 109-111

The last three pages of the series are just quiet and maybe a bit melancholic. It is always a very interesting moment to get to the end of a book. There is this opportunity to try one last thing, to somehow invent something new, to dare. One could say that this is not what is happening here. The first drawing is very much in the lines of the more than hundred pages that preceded it. The second drawing is maybe more daring, as it is a little collection of strange animals that somehow do not care if they might be taken seriously or not. The third drawing looks just sad. What happens in the third drawing, the last drawing of the book, though, are these additional lines, crossing out the long and familiar edges of the figure. It was a bit as if the drawings before could need some breaking factor, some disturbance, some complication. All of the drawings are just straight ink to paper, one could maybe think that the lines are too clear, that the intentions go through and become drawing with too little resistance. I guess I just somehow wanted to mark the lines... they could go away, the lines do not need to be these particular ones. There is an almost unlimited amount of possible drawings that are just boiled down to one, every single time... and even though this particular drawing is here on this page now... it could have been a completely different one... hmm...
Thank you for surviving the 111 Pages from this one black book... If you would like to see all of the pages again, just type in 111 pages into the search field to the right of this blog.
I will eventually add all of the drawings shown here to the catalogue section of this site... but maybe not today.... ; )

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 3, 2003 1:01 AM.

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