111 pages 106-108

There is sometimes this really strong feeling of having a glowing center. At least I have this feeling sometimes. I know, this could be the first sign that I will leave this world through the same door as one of my grands, or it could be the sign that I spent too much time thinking about my own center, and not about the center of a much larger idea... or maybe not?
If I could find the drawings I made in the very early 90's a very large percentage of this work would probably focus on figures trying to deal with this very strange container they suddenly seem to find in their chests. Is it the soul, the spiritual center, the center of spiritual gravity? I do not understand enough about the theories that include such symbolism to really write about them here. I have the feeling however that many of the readers know more than I do... so please feel free to add.
As for the first drawing in today's series. Hmm, does it make sense to draw an angel that is missing feet? Do angels ever really touch the ground? (Ouch, a sudden, striking pain in my left hand index finger might cause me to restate this question...) Hmm... One could imagine that a little angel would not ever need to actually touch the ground... so why feet? One can be so much er without feet...
The last drawing today might have something to do with hair loss?, idea loss?, energy loss? hope loss?...
All figures today do not really touch enything. They seem to be observers of the tiny events around and inside of them. Hmm...
Or are they the ones who cause these events to happen?, somehow? maybe?
In some oddly indirect way?

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 2, 2003 1:01 AM.

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