111 pages 034-036

| 1 Comment

The beach can be packed in March. The average age on the beach can very well be seventy at times. This is not a bad thing, of course.
There must be plenty of joy in turning from pink to red. Some are excellent observers, some like to be observed. Some bring towels, some bring umbrellas, some come in a group of ten.
Then there is the water. Oh, the water. There is water in the ocean, there is water in the bottles, there is always the good sweet sunny sweat.
I tend to come back from vacations as pale as when I left. I am the person who spends the days in the shade, or indoors, or just in a place between imagination and what is really there.

1 Comment

pale= :)

...i like the scorpion man.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on March 11, 2003 3:47 PM.

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