Sub Series 66-67


It is hard to believe that we are on the pages 66-67 already. We now have just a few more pages to go and it will be time to scan in a new book. I wonder if I should post the images like this time, page by page, or if they should go straight into the catalogue. I think that if I post them here, there will be a little more fun involved, as there are little observations attached to each one of the drawings.
The pages 66-67 look like a pretty silly bunch of animals. Okay, they are a silly bunch of animals. The ones on the right hand side are obviously ocean creatures. The left hand side, well, I am not quite sure what made me draw these little guys. But here we go, they are here now. Say hello.


I think you should continue posting pages here. I enjoy the comments that go along with them.

This set of pages is, I believe, my favorite of the ones you've posted so far. I don't know what it is, but I just have to like smiling animals. I especially like the square fish with the teeth on the right hand side. Or maybe he's a very tiny whale. The first fish on the left looks quite nervous, though, but I suppose I would be too, if I were a fish being followed by a camel.


you could make a dingbat font from these creatures. the kids would go wild for 'em :)

Wit, these are seriously fantastic. I LOVE them. I think you should vectorize them and make OS X icon packs they would be great. Shawna's suggestion to make a font is also great. These and the ones from 60-61 should be included. I think you might have some more like this too. These would make perfect icons. You can leave them line art, or even color them. I think some of these would look great colored in.

(psst, do not give it all away... I was actually getting ready to make a set of icons for iconfactory's pixelpalooza 2003. I have some done already, and as soon as I have a little more time, I am going to make the whole set ready. They will be like a coloring book, used by different children. One will do nothing, keep them all black and white, one will color within the lines and one will just go wild. I did not want to say anything about it until they are all done and uploaded, but here we go, now everybody knows. ; )

Happy animals! I like them. :) And I'm looking forward to the icons very much!

hot daaaaaamn! these are sooo cute!

hey, were you eatin' pepperidge farm goldfish by any chance?

here fishy fishy fishy!

I am madly in love with the little fluffy hamster/sheep/guinea pig on the left page right above the hippo. (oh stop -- not in *that* way!) I think his name is Bertram. I wish that he were a small stuffed critter that could live at my wee abode. I think the noise he'd make would be a "merp" kind of thing... not quite a squeek, but definitely inquisitive.

BTW, I love your site and you're terribly amusing.

PS: Inspired by all the sock dogginess, I had made my own, tho not nearly as cute as yours from Anna:

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on February 22, 2003 11:30 AM.

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