Long Island...


There is no sound here. It is completely quiet. I had no idea the keyboard makes this sound when I type. I completely forgot what it sounds like to hear one’s own breath. Wait, my stomach just said hello. It is before breakfast. I am in Long Island today. Let’s see what adventures await in Port Washington. The place where Pan Am started their trans Atlantic service. There is a very curious look on my face right now. And I am a tiny bit hungry. (Why am I writing this?)


such a lovely place is the island. hmph you never say hi anymore...i feel tres neglected (not really). anyways enjoy the loveliness and expensiveness that is suffolk county

Hello, well, you never say “hi” back. So how many times can anybody say hi. ; )
Thank you for the comment. I will need to report the numerous adventures of today. There were some incredible moments of suspence and danger.
As for the expensiveness... I try to enjoy cheap thrills... like nature and looking at things. Did not go house shopping, just impression collecting. Fun, cheaper, and maybe even healthier.
: )

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on November 9, 2002 9:37 AM.

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