
Hmm, after several hours here at starbucks, things are turning into a normal world for me again. It seems almost possible to work under these conditions. The connection speed is, as the man who gave me technical support on a napkin put it, �smokin��. I can not really use my usual email client, but everything else works very well. I brought my own music, so no need to listen to starbudeus here. There is movement in the room, and the productivity might actually be higher among the visitors here than at some �shops� in 1999 (or now.) I have strangers staring over my shoulder, there are some people asleep in the corner. This does feel like a real office. Soon I will be helping with the art direction here, just wait and see.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on October 16, 2002 4:00 PM.

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