so much so little


Tomorrow, when this week ends, I will step off the Subway, (we do not use planes too much within Manhattan) and I will kiss the ground. This was a week on the harsh side. It contained hours and hours of workworkwork. I will be so happy when this is all turned into a weekend. When I can rest a little and maybe finally get to the projects I should be working on. There are many, and they are great. I just do not want to give it all away. That would not be too much fun now, would it? You would probably be disappointed, maybe angry, sad, (insert feeling here).
So I will keep quiet, work like a little buzzybee and then once we are through the production cycle, we will all look around us and will not quite remember what it was all like before. This might happen.
And I will probably not really kiss the ground. I will probably kiss the pillow I will sleep on. Some dreams just make a man do that.
Oh, what a week.


Hey, you think you had a rough week. My work piled up so much that I had to take it on the plane with me to Brazil, and am now sitting on the balcony of my predio in the Jardins district of Sao Paulo editing a book instead of out fazendo brincadeiras! Internet time is the global New York minute, I guess

Oh YEAH! Well I had to go to the park yesterday and MONDAY can you believe it? I also had to make groceries, see "sex and lucia," go drinking with buddies, sleep a lot, get cooked dinner a lot, read some clockwork, take some walks...and tonight I have to go see "world famous drag kings." Why is it that man jus' wants to keep me down?!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on September 19, 2002 11:48 PM.

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