

It is comforting to find out that some of the classics of the web are still around. As I was cleaning out my old mailbox, I came across The Nofrontierians and if you know these little animals by nofrontiere, then you will be happy to see them again. (If you do not know them yet, you are going to love them.)


i think they were originally developed by hannes wallnoefer, who also rund the exciting - bare in mind that the nofrontiere site was originaly designed some 4 years ago. i think its pretty amazing to develop something like this at that time, especially if you consider some of the not so happening stuff thats around now. And Hannes' Opne Sourve work on HOP is a really interesting development along the relly early lines of web logging.
might juts have been that some more corporate ones beat them to it.

nice work though!
party on, dudes.

i think they were originally developed by hannes wallnoefer, who also rund the exciting - bare in mind that the nofrontiere site was originaly designed some 4 years ago. i think its pretty amazing to develop something like this at that time, especially if you consider some of the not so happening stuff thats around now. And Hannes' Open Source work on HOP is a really interesting development along the relly early lines of web logging.
might juts have been that some more corporate ones beat them to it.

nice work though!
party on, dudes.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on August 27, 2002 6:22 AM.

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