1. Do you have a car?
Hmm, no. I use public transportation. Really. Cabs, from time to time. Rarely. Subways are fast and a really good way to get around New York City.
2. Do you drive very often?
Sometimes. When really needed we can borrow a car quite easily. I actually love to drive. It is one of the more relaxing things for me.
3. What's your dream car? If somebody would like to give me a Mercedes SL Pagode, I would not refuse it. I tend to rent Mercedes cars when I go to visit my parents in Germany. (It is cheap to rent them there.)
I used to have a Mercedes 200/8 (a 1971 model... Actually had 5 of them.) It was such a beautiful car. Horizon blue, a white steering wheel, a bit like this one, only with matching wheel cups and without this hood on the roof. A boat of sorts. (Majestic) More links: 200/8, /8
4. Have you ever received a ticket?
Oh, plenty. Plenty. A police officer who lived in my building in Germany would just give me one as often as he possibly could. It was very annoying.
5. Have you ever been in an accident?
Yes, just minor scratches here and there. I actually wrecked the side of this really sweet girl on a foggy morning in Hanau, Germany, 1988? It is a long story... We were together for two years after that.
OHMIGAWD, a girl like me cannot resist a questionaire like this...
1. Do you have a car?
Is that a trick question?
ahahahaha..Oh...whew...good one, heh.
2. Do you drive very often?
AHHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA...oh $#!^ next question...good lord...
3. What's your dream car?
Let us look at this from an industrial design standpoint of sexy and curvey as well as from an "i'm an aries and I want a car that I can't destroy in under one month" pov...
Nissan's Figarrrofigaroooofigaro
Any one of the fine reliable and restored Vespas from Sportique Scooters! (Sorry major plugsville)
FOR MOTORING (ahh yes yes):
The most sexy Karmann-Ghia please!
Mercedes 1956 SL
A 1956 T-bird, hard top convertable with portholes (rowl)
A Mercedes Diesel Wagon is good...typical tank (friend had one for photo reasons...that thing, man i can't say enough good things about it)
Ford f1oo from 1956
4. Have you ever received a ticket?
I get pulled over on a regular basis--at least once a week...I have never gotten a ticket. Come on Witold! Just turn on that girlish charm! It will get you out of a ticket e v e r y time!
5. Have you ever been in an accident?
NOT ON MY WATCH noooooooooo way, not me never ever hut-uh! I've been in accidents but not while i was driving nononononononono.
another plug? okay...forget changing oil ever again...use syn-lube.