Mozilla crunched this blog


Things are not looking good on this page when seen with a Netscape browser, or with opera... or basically anything but IE5 (on a mac?) This is a clear problem, I clearly caused it by poking around in the MT code, and I do not know the solution to it.
Do you know more than I do?, would you mind helping me out to find a way to fix this annoying mozilla display thingy? Thank you so much in advance. May the force be with you.


Why don't you copy the template of your main page and send it to me? Maybe I see things more clearly than when looking at your page's source code.

From looking at the source and the stylesheet, it seems that in Mozilla, Netscape and Opera, there may be issues with the sidebar (obviously, since it's at the bottom). From what I can tell the best way to remedy the situation is to throw the blogbody and sidebar into a two column table, after the two top tables containing the header graphic and the navigation. The CSS is acting wonky.

Looks fine to me, now. ;-)

Konstantin! you DID IT!... fantastic! It works. Thank you so much for the CSS code! it totally works now! I am very impressed!

Hey there, Witold...

I'm having exactly the same problem. Can you pass along how your friend fixed it?

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Witold published on June 12, 2002 10:52 AM.

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