«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Well, well, leaving town again, for a restful weekend. Not going to Los Angeles, but if i could, i would probably go and visit this Exhibition at the Getty:
Devices of Wonder, which must be quite nice. The Flash site seems to indicate that it is. Veery interesting, veeery interesting.
Now i am going to pack my stuff. A horrible blog, I know. Maybe you should email me, and tell me what you would like to know, and i will certainly have some sort of an answer.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
It seems such an American thing to do, to be excited about something that money can buy. (Wow this sentence alone has probably more prejudice in it than i could ever bear). Well, I am very excited about this DVD which somebody sent me for my Birthday, or maybe Christmas. It is: The Films of Charles & Ray Eames - Volume 4 and it is simply fantastic. The films are excellent. They have such sense of humor in them, they are great. I wish we could watch the DVD together, right here, right now. Talk about the questions about design and the answers given by Charles Eames. How Design is not about compromise, but about constrains. How design is always there for a purpose.
Why did nobody show me this movie before?, why do I have to get these little marvels now? (oh, you should see the mathematic peep show!) 10 years ago would have been great. Could have saved me lots of stupid mistakes. : )
It is never too late, I guess.
Thank you for sending me the little gift... whoever you are... do I know you?... hmm... I think I know who you are. Thank you so much.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Hackers hacked BLOGGER. And so Blogger was down all day yesterday, and so I did not write anything. Hmm, there actually was not much to write about. Hmm, maybe that the fortune cookie in my Chinese food promised grand adventure?, or maybe that i had added too much water to my creppes and so they started to stick to the pan?
The creative high of the day came via Email, and it came from Alex. Joseph Schulz shows his "Neue Sachlichkeit" in Gallerie Haus Schneider Pretty exciting. The photographs are fixed beyond recognition, which is fine. They are the way they maybe should be. Very to the point. Sombody once told me that that photographs should not be doctored with too much. They should be worked on before one shoots them, not so much after. Hmm, and i tend to disagree. It is one thing to find a stone. It is great to arrange stones maybe, like Andy Andy Goldsworthy, but it is still another thing to take a piece of marble and sculpt something out of it. Ok, it can be a bad sculpture, but it can also be something quite stunning. I mean the process of creating a picture does not end with taking the picture. (Does not have to). Some photography was not even intended as photography in the first place... Like Richard Billingham¹s stuff... , where the photographs were supposed to be reference material for painting... but then his photography became the "hot item" while i have yet to see his paintings.
Oh well. what am i blogging about here...
Be careful with the water in your creppes. they will stick to the pan.
Now this i can say for sure, out of my own experience. can I?
was it really the water?.
what do I know?
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Observing my bellybottom again...
ok, not really.
Tom sent me this incredible email again. it will take me a while to go through all the (4) links, but this one is just fantastic!:Moodstats ? { A Kaliber10000 ? Production }
You should get it. It is great. it is by those k10k guys and it looks it, and it is lots of fun. It is a private statistic obsessed diary application. You ahould get it. : )
I got it... i am even considering buying it. Hey it is for a good cause. And for good work.
Cheers, and Merry Christmas everyone.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Heilig Abend in New York. Na gut, jetzt habe ich doch keinen Baum gekauft. Letztes Jahr gab es einen Baum, einen großen, bis an die Decke, und als ich ihn dann am 6. Januar in Stücke schnitt und staubsaugte, da gab es noch den TannenbaumGeruch bis zum Juli oder August. Jedes Mal, beim Staubsaugen. Diesjahr keinen Baum. Auch nicht zu Veselka. Rappongi ist dann doch irgendwie netter und auch gibt es mehr und besseren Fisch. Bei Veselka gibt es gar keinen Fisch, glaube ich, nur Barszcz und Mohnkuchen, beides sehr wichtige Bestandteile einer Polnischen Weihnacht. Ich wollte ja eigentlich auch selber kochen. Fisch und so. Keinen Karpfen, aber dann doch Fisch. Habe diese wunderbaren Kochbücher aufgeschlagen und mir die bunten Fischbilder angeschaut. Nö, das sollte heute alles nicht passieren. Rappongi war einfach perfekt. Es gab auch insgesamt zwölf Gerichte, eine weitere Polnische Weihnachtstradition, und vor dem Fenster stellte sich dann auch irgendwann ein Chor hin und sang Weihnachtslieder. Na, das ist doch ziemlich großartig.
Was auch immer heute passiert, wird das ganze Jahr über passieren. Ich werde also sehr satt sein. Ich werde jemanden in Deutschland anrufen, der sich nicht sehr über meinen Anruf freuen kann, werde viel mit meinen Eltern Telefonieren, jemand aus Japan schickt mir ein süßes Weihnachtsgeschenk und eine selbstgemalte Karte.
Und ich werde wohl in HundeKacke treten. Mit dem rechten Fuß, auf so gemeine Weise, dass es sich auf der Hose verteilt, und so weiter und so fort. Zum Glück ist das ja ein Zeichen des Glücks.
Welch ein Glück. Worin besteht denn eigentlich das Glück hier... dass ich Schuhe anhatte?, oder dass ich nicht gerade auf allen Vieren lief?...
Wollte heute auch meinen Quadra 800 spenden. Nach fast 8 Jahren dienst, ist es langsam an der Zeit, dass der Rechner weiterzieht, neue Freunde findet. Habe ihn zwar an mehrere Leute veliehen in der Zwischenzeit, aber nun scheint die Zeit gekommen zu sein, wo er ganz und gar zu einem anonymen Geschenk wird. Will jemand meinen Quadra 800?... Ach ja... Frohe Weihnachten!
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Farnaz Khodaifar is a very talented Photographer who moved to New York from Iran. (Please correct me if I am wrong, Farnaz). She is so great to work with, very focused on the work, really amazing.
The project we worked on together for Popular Records was called "Porn Kings", and the only other project I could find under her name on google is
Lay, daily, lay, a TONY day-by-day guide to sex in NYC, or, how one can get lucky every day of the week
This is what New York does to you. It makes you work on all these projects that pretend to be somehow sex related, even though they really are not...
rather bizarre...
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Another funny thing happened when I was working on this much needed catalog of my work. (Because of Tom Flemming¹s support this whole thing is somehow turning into reality, and not just this very elaborate, never ending, actually never even beginning plan.)
The funny thing that happened is a great reminder of the time when I was at Popular Records, this "incredibly fabulous" record label. I was putting together this entry for Tacye "I don¹t need a gun", a very handsome record, again, thank you Tom, phantastic work on the design there. And I was looking for the proper spelling of Aaron Cobbett, the photographer, who took the pictures of Tacye for the project. Not only have I found the proper spelling, but also much more than I was looking for. So he has this book out. It is called:Super Eros, and is a collection of , as one reviewer put it: "...young, handsome, masculine & muscular men ... shown in mostly outdoor shots while at work, at play and or just relaxing in very erotic bedroom poses"
My friend Christian, (who might be the most straight person around) and I were once invited to one of Aaron¹s parties. It was an exhibition opening too, and the pictures he took for Tacye were quite great, so we went to see it all. A guy dressed in a cap opened the door. A very nice, soft cap. He looked quite handsome in it, yet it was the only piece of clothing he was wearing. The party was obviously a success. (Everybody else was dressed, just the opener was really funny.)
I really hope that Aaron is going to publish more books with his other work. His style is really great, *especially* the images in which the models are dressed. He often sculpts these environments in which the models match their backgrounds so perfectly.
Oh well, maybe they would not sell as well?...
People seem to like his "Super Eros". Book got 4 stars.
Amazon, the intelligent site now turned into this picture gallery of male bodies for me. How do I change that back?, will I now always be profiled as somebody fascinated by the male body?, let me not put Aaron¹s book onto my wishlist...
; )
have a fabulous sunday.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
My popscreen had expired. But now it is back. And all is back to normal. Ok, i do not use it on the Powerbook (why would I), but all the other machines in the house need their portion of POP. : )
Fun. Do you have yours?.
Hello to Moni and Alex.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Hello again, what a wonderful morning. The florida Avocados are 0.99 this morning. This would not be much of an event if they were avocados, but have you guys seen these florida avocados? They are the size of Cats. (AvoCatos). So i got one of those. And then a Coffee and a bagel from the cart guy. "Hey I am going to the moon, you know", "Why did you finally win?", "nah, did not win this time either. 24 Million, but did not win. Playing this game for three years now", "Yeah, it is about time that you win, so I don¹t need to see your face here every morning. Go to the moon and stay there. Here¹ya go. Yearall set." "See ya tomorrow" "Seeya"
Oh well, good morning.
Hey, the new issue of reservocation is out on the newsstands of the web. Looks great. I like the staff and i like the little difficult to use greet yourself "Happy Holidays" card.
Cute little spinning clay animals with adjustable size snowflakes. Oh, wait a second, everything is adjustable here. This is quite a feast for the fan of interactive autoentertainment. Some of the features are very well hidden, some do not have anby explanation. But, you know what, when it came to Santa Claus, nobody bothered giving us a proper explanation either.
Oh, btw. in Poland, where i grew up, there was a perfect schizophrenic description of the "gifts under tree" phenomenon. The katholic version of the thing was "Dzieciatko" which means little baby, but is a term exclusively reserved for the little Baby Jesus, which somehow ment that little Baby Jesus came by and dropped all of the gifts. (Hard to believe, isn¹t it, the kid had just been born to a virgin in the presence of an old man, a mule and an ox), but because Poland was "under communist rule" at that time, and they did not quite have this whole "Holiday Season" or "Season¹s Greetings" American level of political correctness figured out, the festivities were just called "Gwiazdka". "The little Star." Perfect. The little star (sure it was red and glew over the red square somehow) was perfect for any Communist daughter or son as well as for every Katholic kid (The star of Bethlehem). Ok, this is all completely off topic, but hey, this is a blog, and not the New York Times, or Trybuna Robotnicza. Cheers. Read Reservocation. It is good for your head and heart.
: ) yeah!
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
The beauty of the internet. Oh, wait, the beauty of the web. The interconnected pages that guide you from one interesting spot to the next. Talking about Sexoholix, I had to think that this show was no David Sedaris, even though it was much more New York, than David Sedaris could ever be. And what do I come across next (All before breakfast)?: Sedaris on New York.
Hmm, his advice is clearly written for outsiders, (just like the City Guide I wrote for Max Magazine in Germany once), carefully omitting the places I liked in New York and pointing out others that might make an outside feel New York City. I was just not ready to meet Max readers in my favorite Greek diner.
The Max editors still thought that my guide was too dirty or something. They must have cursed me out for wanting to send German visitors to some pickle tasting places. Whatever. Some people never really move New York. They just want to tell others they live here.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Saw Sexaholix last night. And it was funny. If you read the review you will find out that the jokes are simple and yes, that they are mainly jokes, but c'mon, it is ok to have a show like this sometimes. So we laughed. The entire theater laughed. It was an audience, that was prepared for the show, that allready knew the lines, an audience that was back. Does not sound bad at all, does it? The tickets can go as low (the seats as far away from the stage) as $15 and that is pretty much the price for a movie ticket in New York. Yeah, worth it. Yeah, funny, yeah very street. Good fun. : )
Sending some friends to see it, so i do not need to write more here.
This was no David Sedaris but then, these guys come from two completely different teams anyway. cheers
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Just saw Sexaholix...A Love Story and it was fun! Standing ovations. Relaxed, regular, people taking flash pictures (this is the only show on Broadway where this is permitted), and no warning before the show starts (just bam, bam bam and the guy is dancing). If you would like to have a few laughs, please go and see this show. (another way to help New York, right?)
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
the fires finally stopped at ground zero at the World Trade Center.
today. this was the longest burning building fire in recorded history. now it is finally over.
Another fire is also extinguished. One that started in a giftshop at the Cathedral od St. John Divine, just a few blocks from here. A gift shop. In a Cathedral. As far as i remember there was some mention about Shops in places of Worship in the Bible. I am not a Bible expert, but it seems to make sense, that there should be no cash register sounds as a background music to meditation, no matter what it is called in whatever religion.
Hmm, so now, with less income to St.John Divine, we should probably all try to donate some money for the Cathedral. Help them out.
Click Here and donate.
Have a happy and peaceful day.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Working my way through a new mountain of Material.
Some is not all that bad. Was able to capture a few good slices of time in front of Mona Lisa. Combining these slices now creates a new Reality that did not exist this way, because the images were separated by time, not by space as they are now.
Watching Mona Lisa 2R shows a space defined by technology. A small camera exists in a blurry, empty world. A large black SLR makes things more interesting, more in focus. A small point and shoot camera has its moment in time. A black SLR creates an event. (The little point and shoot is put aside, not worth much)
The photographer seems the least important factor in taking a good picture. The photographer here shows Mona Lisa to two different cameras, but she does not adjust anything else. Even her focused expression remains the same with both cameras.
I like the quiet lady next to the photographer. She is in a different place. She does not accept time as it seems to be defined by the photographer, she seems to be one with the tranquillity of the mona lisa. The two women create a very nice contrast. The quiet lady does not have a camera. Her experience could be almost an immidiate one. She holds this piece of paper though, and I have the feeling that it contains some information that might replace her genuine personal impression of the masterpiece.
The young couple is also beautiful. They are too shy to look at the Artwork with the "grown ups". They feel the presence of greatness, but they do not have the courage to face it. Instead they look at us. They are shy, yet now they are part of a new picture. They feel pure.
Oh, the Gentleman in the black vest. Hmm, he was quite a heroic art watcher. There will be probably a piece just about him.
: )
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Arbeite mich durch einen neuen Bilderberg. Etwa 700 neue Aufnahmen, die jetzt wieder Katalogisiert werden müssen und irgendwie intelligent geordnet. Es ist teilweise ganz gutes Material. Es könnte mal langsam etwas werden. Die Louvre Bilder sind nicht ganz schlecht. Besonders die Mona Lisa Bilder. (Hatte die Mona Lisa Betrachter betrachtet) Erst die Fotos machen es möglich kleine Zeitscheiben einander zuzuordnen. Menschen die einfach stehen bleiben, die unverständnisvolle Leere in ihrem Blick.
Jeder der Darsteller hat seine eigene Art mit dem Bild umzugehen. EInige wollen es in 10 Sekunden verstehen, einige wollen vor dem Bild über das Bild lesen. Dann gibt es wieder welche, die sich einfach mit dieser Trophähe Bild ablichten lassen wollen. Habe diese Frau aufgenommen, die gleich mit zwei Kameras (nacheinander) Bilder schoß, mit dem gleichen Verzerrten Gesicht. Während sie die kleine Pocket Camera benutzt, ist alles um sie verschwommen. Dann holt sie die Spiegelreflex Kamera und die Dinge um sie herum werden scharf, neue Menschen kommen ins Bild. Hoffe ich bin nicht nur von diesen zwei Bildern begeistert weil sie so frisch sind. Hmm, werde mal nachdenken, noch einmal drauf schauen und vielleicht mal posten. Kannst ja dann selber schauen.
Bis gleich.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Still a favorite, the best execution of memory around. Titoonic
- TITOONIC - Memory Monsters This one is simply great. I am not going to play it now, but it really is a great version of the game. Sooo cute. And yes, the dinosaur tries to help, but does not always know the right answer himself. Brilliant.
Way to go Titoonic.
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Good morning fellow Explorers. Titoonic, the Danish animation house has given us another exciting little piece of fun. And it is something for all of us Lego friends too. Johnny Thunder and the Adventures "The Restless Mummy" is so much fun. The animation is just so well done.
: )
Enjoy. (If you have a minute)
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Wow, the more i look into this Blogger thing, the more excellent it gets. This PopupBlogThis! button simply allows me to post links as I go. So when I came across this
New York Times Article About Paul Pfeiffer, and copied the URL, Blogger simply prepared the link for me to just blog, post, publish, whatever this might be.
Ok, if habbo is the way to chat. This must be the way to publish.
: )
Very impressive. Blogging from a popup window again.
(The posts will get better, just let me be amazed first, ok?)
«May 2001 | Front | January 2002 »
Good Morning, guten Morgen, Dzien Dobry,
It will take me years to make a blog as spectacular as Neillie1s . But is I just sit around on my hands and send every single thought i might have to friends, who never reply to my emails anyway, then these years will be wasted.
Wow, do these colors make bitter? Blogger=Bitter?
Ahem, i obviously have no clue what I am doing here. Let me start with a very simple template, very simple settings. In a week or so, I might be able to setup an Archive, maybe even tweak the settings, so i can do something crazy here. But maybe not. Maybe it is not really necessary. Maybe this just needs to be a directory that is a bit smarter than just the autoresponder of location@witoldriedel.com.
And one more great thing.
The "soon" on www.witoldriedel.com gets a fresh and happier meaning. There is a lot of work ahead of us folks. Let1s get to it.
Ja, und warum das ganze auf Englisch?. Nicht unbedingt. Vielleicht sollten ja bestimmte Sachverhalte noch bitterer, noch verbitterter, noch abstrakter dargestellt werden. (Darstellen, wie das schon klingt) Ja, und dann muß es schon Deutsch sein. Die Sprache, die bei richtigem Nachdenken ja ohnehin die erste Wahl ist, oder nicht?