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December 31, 2005
oh dear... there were very many people in the stores today. i bought elements for s fantasy polish sylvester dinner. there will be kapusta and such. i think i still have champagne somewhere in the refrigerator. it is from last year. if it completely sucks, one will be still able to drink some other beverages, i think. the birds discovered that the feeder actually contains food (something the squirrels had figured out in 10 minutes mammals-dinosaurs 1:0). Now they will only have to learn (from that one very good one) how to actually land on the feeder. Right now it looks like a bunch of boys talking about kissing a girl. Everybody knows how to do it, but nobody does it. No, wait, one of them does it. The others are not impressed. The one who actually knows what is going on simply does not say a word (a piep)... hmm... when i was cleaning out the winter flowers out of my living room vase, i noticed that some of the sticks actually started to grow little green branches (miracle alarm) and so i put these candidates and some more sticks into some special water glass. i wanted to use that rooting hormone i had bought a few months ago, but it looked like it actually also can be used to take out entire city blocks (stuff appears to be poisonous, but they don't tell you until you actually read the small print.) grr... So the sticks will have to grow the old fashioned way. In less than an hour there will be 2006 in Europe. I better take a nap now... (i have a very good new place for that,) so I am ready for the calls from my family. They will be shouting. I have to get ready. Oh, dear. : )