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«in various places on a saturday night... | Front | Achtung Terminänderung!!! »

April 04, 2004
imagined strands of hair perhaps?

the window sounds as if it were a sail and we were on the open ocean maybe south of chile somehow. yes it is night. and it is cold outside.
“Kwiecien plecien, bo przeplata troche zimy, troche lata”… was the saying I remember remembering many times as a child in Poland… “April is a weaver, for he weaves some winter with a bit of summer”… and so this is very much the case today… this evening…
And I would much rather like to be in a completely different place right now… but I am here… and just slowly regaining a certain level of consciousness…
I am so very much looking forward to visiting the west coast again… soon, very soon… and it will certainly be incredibly beautiful…
it will be like hair, opened up, at a certain point in time, just the right time, always… is this what the clouds are reminding us of?… the moment of complete letting go?…
and i realize that i will probably have to rend certain portions of my equipment, will have to have some little timers repaired, so a second on the shutter of my schneider angulon lens does not take three seconds to pass…
and i managed to finally buy the “olympic lens” today. it is a little marvel of optical engineering, developed in the early 1930’s for the berlin olympics… it is a Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/180… a heavy piece of equipment, solid aluminum, painted black… now still in slovakia, in another place where streets have no names… so strange to be in such different places at the same time… some thoughts are here, some are there…
maybe one of the most confusing posts…
but maybe it is about weaving some of the warmth with some of the uncertainty of the cold weather…
maybe the best thing to do now is to smile and close my eyes and to imagine soft hair… yes, i think i will do just that… soft hair, opening into a cloud of strands, expanding on maybe white sheets, mostly out of focus, except for maybe here… and here… and maybe here as well…