The wind was of the soft kind. It was a gentle wind, stroking my face, telling me to go inside, or he would blast me off that balcony. And so I gave in. I used to be able to tell the wind to stop. And it would… really… it was a game I played as a boy. I would stand in a corner of a windy place and I would tell the wind to pick up, or to calm down… really… and it would… well, eventually… please don’t think I was a strange boy. I am sure there is some other boy somewhere, doing just the same thing… (let’s hope he is younger than me…)
So the wind made me go in… I am now in a very dark room, the planes look like lost stars, and the buildings around here are blinking back, just to make sure no plane decides to land on some roof… do these lights really work?
Tried to take some pictures of other birds today, but they get really scared of me with my big stick. Oh, I might not have mentioned it, but I decided to use a monopod, an extendable carbon-fibre stick, to get a camera up into the crowns of trees, to get closer to some birds. The close up picture of the pelicans are not taken with a telelens, these are actual close encounters of the camera, on a stick, held up right into the beaks of the birds. Weird, I know… but it works really well with the pelicans. They do not care about me or about something that looks like a fishing rod, held in front of them… they really did not mind…
The smaller birds did mind. The singing birds would just flee in panic, when I appeared with that huge black stick, the camera attached at one end… and so I enjoyed just shooting from within the crowns of the trees, the birds did not really matter that much at some point, it was just as if I had this recording eye and I could lift it into places that were rather intimate locations for the feathered buddies… and the photographs look different… they are images of trees, but they are shot from the inside out…they are shot from the perspective of the tree… and I do not think many people shoot trees this way… it feels different… it is a very different world…it is a very secure, more quiet, very complete world… enclosed into the world we seem to know so well… and yet we never really do…
And there was no wind during the day… just the sun, birds, trees… and oranges were $1 for 1kg… and so I had many oranges today…