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December 21, 2003

whenever it is too cold to even step close to a window, one can just try to open the doors to the other rooms, the ones never really opened, the ones in which the furniture dressed up as ghosts, or animals swallowed by large cushions…
a door opens, we listen to the dusty walls, each step is a real discovery now. The smell here is one that has been composed by stillness and time. And the first touch of things might just turn anything into a living creature, or so it feels, at least now. Is there a ceiling? Are there more rooms? How have things developed? Will we open another door?, Will there be a wild explosion of color and laughs and other exciting sounds?… Quite possibly yes… or no?…
As the year is coming closer to its end, there are many places that have been somewhere, happening in a not disclosed location, somehow…
And it is just that my head feels as if it had been filled with a styrofoam replica of a human brain, an object imitating a thinking organ. A model, very light, filled with a little led core… to add to the effect…
Things are quite wonderful, if only seen from the right angle…
And it is a good thing to close the eyes as it does not really matter where the body happens to be at this time… so the eyes should probably be closed, as we imagine that it is too cold to even step close to a window, as we try to open the doors to the other rooms, the ones never really opened, the ones in which the furniture looks like ghosts, or animals swallowed by large cushions…
a door opens, we listen to the dusty walls, each step is a real discovery now…



Posted by: shauny on December 22, 2003 04:38 AM
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