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November 22, 2003

Some objects appeared just slightly out of focus at first. Some had a strangely used look, even though they were really new, certainly new, just bought, or even in the store. It was not until people began looking slightly unusual when she began to avoid the street, the outside of her apartment, the outside of her room. But even this became a bit of a difficult task more and more, as even closed doors began to thin, the wallpapers began to disappear, the floor softly turned into a skeleton of wooden beams. It did not take long and she was looking onto her downstairs neighbour's soup, onto the broken bones of the old lady upstairs, the trees appeared to be calling her, though she knew that they were on the street... She tried closing her eyes, but her eyelids were now completely transparent, there was no rest for her, it all was there at once. And it was brighter and just brighter and brighter. The world was stripped of more and more of its surface, her vision seemed to penetrate entire buildings, people turned into walking voices, there was no day or night.
It was not as if she wanted to wake up from what others would maybe consider a nightmare, she just craved to fall asleep, to rest her eyes, to not see any light. ...
One certainly might have suggested an operation. Amputations usually work wonders with out of control limbs... but eyes?...
It appeared as if her options were to go insane in a completely transparent universe, suspended, attached through gravity and all other laws of physics to an invisible planet... or just to dive into complete darkness and to select her own focus, view thoughts as a kind of illuminating force, selective perhaps?...
She knew that if she chose blindness, her visual memories would soon cease to exist, she would be giving up all of her visual world... but what was it worth now anyway? She was being flooded with light shining at her through what now appeared to be a giant ball of glass...
She cried, on her invisible bed for days... or at least what she was told were days... and nights.
She tried to somehow look down, through the planet, through its core, she imagined that she could see the magma flows, the volcanoes, the bottoms of the oceans...
The thought of being able to see all these was somehow calming at least...
She also began to fall in love with something that appeared to be a tiny floating point of sorts, some very slowly moving little something, a bit of what might have been some flaw in her otherwise perfectly light flooded universe.
She observed the little dot for hours at a time, until it became her true obsession to track it down, to see where it might be when she decided to look again. She did this for days and weeks and slowly the point turned into more of a human shape, a man perhaps, probably even her age? Yes, yes, he was... she could now clearly and more clearly see him. He was just slowly progressing into her direction. He clearly also obeyed the laws of physics, he clearly also had to avoid invisible objects, had to follow some invisible streets, sometimes driving in invisible cars.
She did not say a word. She knew that he was heading in her direction, she knew that they would very soon meet and more...
She watched him walk, she watched him sleep, suspended in their bright and transparent universe... she was madly in love with him of corse. He was the only thing in this world she had. She knew his every move, she knew the expressions on his far away face, she knew more than he probably knew about his outer self, when he finally stepped through that invisible door, into her invisible room... she welcomed him with widely open arms. he was the one who was here to save her. he was the one whom she now would hear speak, who probably held the key to the mysterious explanation of her hopeless and overwhelming situation.
"I am very sorry," he said softly, looking straight at her from the left side of her bed, moving closer now, she could see his face up close, his mouth, his eyes, he was the one she learned to love. He was the one, he was the only, only one, she closed her eyes, they kissed... "I am very sorry," he continued, "I do not know how this could have possibly happened."
The lights went off.
She shrank to what felt like a little object. It took her a while to realize that the darkness was caused by her again functioning eyelids. She opened them, in great anticipation. She had been liberated? Had they both been liberated?, Brought back into the visible, the normal world?...
The room around her was dark. The clock hands pointed to some time around 3:30...
The open door to her room moved slightly, as if somebody pressed their body against it on the way out...
She heard the house door slam... some steps on the gravel... then it was back to the night. Just darkness, the ticking of the clock now illustrated by an object. The walls of her room back in place, even the wallpaper, all seemingly grey, because seen at night... She kept her eyes open for a while, hoping to regain her incredibly selective vision... but all she soon saw was the inside of her long deserved normal dream.



woah! That pretty much sums up the past year for me.

Posted by: charlene on November 22, 2003 10:54 PM
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