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October 27, 2003
an hour?...

What happened to the extra hour? Where did it go? It is late again, my body seems to trust my watch more than itself. How odd, how odd. Did you go to work and hour early today? Did you notice the extra hour in any way?...
So strange, so strange...


I work and live in the field of education, so over the years I've developed a way to deal positively with the fact that around this time of year, the sun goes down by 6pm.

Come the time shift, I try and figure out what I want to do with my winter vacation. Many tempting ideas are now swimming around my head. Yum.

Posted by: resonance on October 27, 2003 10:56 AM

I noticed it, but only because I had completely forgotten that it was supposed to happen Saturday night. I had family coming over Sunday morning, and was wondering why they were so late. Happily, I got some extra cleaning and relaxing time once I figured it out.

But now I'm back to being tired and overworked, so the feeling only lasted 45 minutes or so, tops...

Posted by: Anna on October 27, 2003 12:54 PM

I like the small changes you made to your site, by the way... the borders on the photos, the orange bars, the linky buttons... nice!

Posted by: Anna on October 27, 2003 12:56 PM

: )
(thank you Anna, some of the ideas are obviously inspired by your brilliant page design... and I still have to add back the little badges for some of the blog friends... absolutely-vile will definitely be back... even if I will probably tweak the color theme of your badge... where did you get the NYCBlogs badge, btw?)
sorry for all this geek-talk... hehe...

Posted by: Witold Riedel on October 27, 2003 02:42 PM

I've got the "driving to the client before sunrise and getting home after sunset" blues.

Posted by: jr on October 27, 2003 05:27 PM

Well, I really noticed the extra hour this afternoon when it was pitch dark at 4pm! Of course it was also pouring rain...

I made all of the little buttons (including the NYC blogs one) based on the ones at 'Steal These Buttons', the same place yours come from. Feel free to help yourself to any of mine, they are gifs so the color can be changed very easily.

Oh, and I didn't bother taking a screen shot because I think it looks the same for me as it does for you - even though I haven't installed Pather yet! We didn't go to the 'NIght of' event, and now seeing your story about the massive line I am glad we skipped it.......

Posted by: Anna on October 27, 2003 11:06 PM

we used that extra hour to pack our cars up to evacuate our house due to the fire here in California. We are all OK, but my left eye was messed up and cut my cornea... A short trip to the ER, and I am fine.

Posted by: Pat on October 27, 2003 11:47 PM

oh my, an eye injury?... that is scary...
stay away from the fires... if you can...

Posted by: Witold Riedel on October 28, 2003 12:17 AM
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