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October 08, 2003

the slices of cheese have turned into little yellow bowls with brittle, almost transparent edges, holding little pearls of what looks like dew. the tumbleweed shaped meat on the limp and wet leaves of lettuce has finally received the permission to officially decay.
Variations of sugarwater are trapped in colorful containers.
White forks, embrace transparent knifes.
The paper Solo® cups are proud of their Meridian™ design...
Only some have been kissed, some are still waiting, nested, in separate towers.

Looking at this metal surface with a texture of wood printed on it... my teeth are talking louder to me than any other part of my body.
The head just performed an unexpected stunt. Invisible to a possible outside observer, it just jumped, a tiny, joyful jump...

The Strokes, are playing tracks from their new album on BBC1... Blur is next with some live performance. Zane Lowe is asking questions... all live, earlier this week, in New York and in London...
New York City, wait, this is where I am, right now, this second... living on a mainly foreign diet of prefabricated, prepared, as well as a few sometimes self constructed observations...

Maybe this would be the perfect time to stare into a half filled little glass?... : )
Ice cubes?, or rather an olive?, a mint leaf?
Don't get me wrong... this is all a happy place... (and I will certainly laugh when I read this in a little while... though I have my doubts that I ever will...)
: )


Nice to see you started putting some spacing into your posts, Witold, like I had suggested. Anyway you can put spacing after every paragraph?

Posted by: Anthony on October 8, 2003 07:57 PM

: )

: ]

Posted by: Witold Riedel on October 8, 2003 09:28 PM

Okay...I've seen cheese like that. Reception cheese.

Posted by: Andrea on October 9, 2003 12:21 AM

Nice to see you using... ellipses... witold... just like i suggested...

Posted by: shauny on October 9, 2003 03:30 AM

You suggest things...

and sooner or later...

they just might happen, in some way, somehow...

: )


Posted by: Witold Riedel on October 9, 2003 05:57 AM
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