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July 17, 2003

He had his feed covered by teflon for heat protection and met-life for insurance protection. He had Belgian manicure (like French, except for birds, you would not understand). He used little velvet protectors for his head feathers, to make sure they shine through the night.
The best thing however was the flame-tail upgrade. This thing was awesome. When running at full speeds at night, he looked like a shooting star on speed.
It looked as if he were burning up, though he was not, of course.
He just recently discovered that a city had been named after him. He was the coolest bird in Arizona... really popular with all kinds of chicks.



he's very handsome

Posted by: em!ly on July 19, 2003 12:56 PM

hehehe i love it :)

Posted by: shauny on July 21, 2003 03:44 AM

your birds are always so wonderful... i would love to see him fly :) see you... got to get somewhere i am not wet :)

Posted by: on July 21, 2003 02:45 PM
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