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July 16, 2003
The best parents, the best school, the best neighborhood, the best job, the best gym, the best nutrition, the best tooth whitener, the best biting toys...
If only somebody would just throw this damn bouncy ball for him. He could really show off that backward flip, the roll over... even some bipedal action perhaps? Okay, take back that bipedal action.
This was no circus, this was a very serious exotic pure breed dog's life.
What breed, they asked? He liked to blank them on this one, his Philistine social "friends".
(Did this sound to you like a bark or a straight up, vicious bite?)
such a cuuuuuuuuuuute dog.
Posted by: em!ly on July 17, 2003 08:18 PM: )
Posted by: witold on July 18, 2003 11:07 AMDo they make dog braces?
Posted by: Funtime Ben on July 18, 2003 04:32 PMPost a comment