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«360x360x049 | Front | 07:07:07:07:07 »

July 06, 2003

Five layers of separation from what we think we think we see. The world before our eyes, one we create, as we move through it barely touching it.
There are tiny windows sometimes through which we can see beyond the layers. Even if some of us manage to find a view beyond... we still often do not even realise that we might have touched something more universal than what we have accepted as our individual reality. The further we go, the further we remove ourselves from the first look we had at this world?...
Or could it possibly be a circle, could it possibly be a path that will bring us back? Maybe a bit more complex than that... maybe a bit more complex than that. Maybe much simpler than that... and language itself keeps us from understanding. Language, the sugar for the mind...



sugar for the mind... exxxxxcellent :)

Posted by: shauny on July 6, 2003 07:43 AM

5 points, exxxxxcellent :)

Posted by: em!ly on July 6, 2003 10:47 PM

Amazing stuff.

Posted by: abhimanyu chirimar on July 10, 2003 02:42 AM
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