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«natto dessu yo! | Front | soft as snow and warm inside... »

June 17, 2003

She always dreamt of going away. There were the hills, the valleys, the rivers and the oceans. It was all out there, it all wanted to be explored. She could not understand how generations of her ancestors could have found it interesting to live in a place like their current home. I mean, get real. This was perhaps the most boring place on earth. And it did not matter that her dad would say that the world out there is not quite as familiar as home. And what did mom know? There were certainly the same happy plants out there that would feed the animals while they were asleep and give them shade during the day. Uncle Horncurl claimed even that home was the only place where beings would feed each other, rather than feeding off each other. That was such an urban legend... how could animals feed off other animals? Such a stupid and disgusting thought. Like, what, do they like, eat each other? Eeeeew...
Uncle Horncurl probably just wanted to impress her. What a loser.



hahaha! damn!

Posted by: em!ly on June 25, 2003 10:37 PM
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