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May 07, 2003
moleskine 002 026

Again in the last car at night, with a little black book and a strange silver fountain pen. The only person without a suitcase. There in the corner. Placed in the right seat to get out on 96th street.
And then again early in the morning, in a packed car, barely able to open the little moleskine in the crowd. A nervous woman breathing into my sleeve. A heavy set man working his way through little menus on the screen of his pocket PC. Not quite sure why I would decide to draw an odd spaceman, just a day before Columbia was about to return from space. I did not even know.


your intuition is highly under-rated

Posted by: em!ly on May 8, 2003 02:10 PM

it's major tom.

my new favorite!

his appearence makes me want to touch him. thick, spoungy, and dense is how i imagine him to feel.

Posted by: griff on May 9, 2003 02:13 PM

Amazing, amazing, Witold... simply AMAZING!!! You oughta be HUGE! Seriously, something is not right here. Let's make this happen. Wanna join me? Let's make Earth forget what the world was like before Witold & S.britt. You game?

I hope you know I'm serious. You continue to be one of the most inspirational people I have never met. I'm sorry for being MIA lately, but it's been for good reason. I'm trying to pave the way for our future collaborations...

Posted by: Stephan on May 10, 2003 01:34 AM

(thank you Griff..) : )

(Stephan!, wow, wow, but wait, you are one of the most inspirational people. And it is me who was missing in action, big time.
Yeah, let's make some good things. I am all for it. Absolutely.
Wow, I really feel honored.
boy, oh boy...)

Posted by: witold on May 10, 2003 01:36 PM
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