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April 05, 2003

Suddenly there was some traffic from a site called:"blogshares" hitting this page. It seems that this blog is now listed on a "fantasy stock market" for Blog-shares? I claimed the blog, of course and will now need to se how to invest my fantasy $500 in some really exciting not yet discovered blogs. You can also buy shares in this blog here. WitoldRiedel.com shares are currently just $8.11! Wow...
I do not quite understand the concept and what will happen next, but maybe this is exactly the reason why my real life dollars are not exactly performing well on the real stock market? Hmm. I added a little banner to the page, I will probably buy shares in "Blogsharing". You should probably buy shares in this blog. (I mean, it is easy, and actually free...) Also, can anybody please explain to me why the blogsharing system claims that this blog has only *two* outgoing links? Hmm... definitely not true... Ok, here is another link:BlogShares - Witold Riedel :: NYC

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