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March 18, 2003
111 pages 055-057

How odd, how odd. Why are today's drawings about media, evacuation? Hmm. So strange. CNN intervied a reporter of the New Yorker, who "chickened" out of the "objective" program offered by the US army to let journalists march with the troops. He backed out at the last minute. The way CNN asked the questions was as if this man had really been a bit of a weakling. But then came an interesting question, as for what it had been that made him decide against the participation in the attack. He began by saying that even though there was a training on how to use the protectibve gear, namely a gas mask, he barely knew how to use the equipment properly, or how not to use it. He continued to say that there is a bit of an expectation that the Iraqi troops will use chemical agents against the American troops, to somehow legitimize the attack. It scared him very much that when he asked what should be done if he happens to throw up into his gas mask, as it is very much to be expected that the exposure to chemical agents would not make him feel better but worse, the instructor could not give him an answer, as to how to proceed. Hmm... Scary, isn't it?
I will try to find a good museum here in Miami today. I went by the beach yesterday, for the first time. You would have laughed if you could see me, with all my heavy equipment and in black pants. I spent some time on the pier, shot pictures of pelicans. The birds are not afraid of anybody here. They expect fish to come out of somebody's pocket any minute. Saw an angler tear a fish away from a seagull that had taken his bait fish quite high into the air.
I am very afraid of the time ahead of us...


what are you doing in black pants on a hot beach!? people are far less modest than you, so you should have now worries about impropriety...and skin is the most comfortable of clothes : )

Posted by: k on March 18, 2003 01:00 PM

I am just not a beach person.
I found three interesting museums here in the area. Will go visit now.

Posted by: witold on March 18, 2003 01:26 PM
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