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February 16, 2003
The one man rally.

Stefan Becht is a well respected and a bit of a public person in Germany. And he is concerned. He is concerned about the situation in the world, the war that might just happen, no matter what the world says. Stefan probably went to his local peace Rally in Frankfurt/Main in Germany, but he also turned his entire site into just two pages with an open letter adressed to George W. Bush (there is a German and an English version.). While I have the feeling that the letter is actually speaking to a very smartenized because translatized version of the current leader of the free* world, and while I do not think that Mr. Bush will ever really read, or react to Stefan's site, it is still a pretty bold move on my German friend's side to just take down his presence on the WWW and turn it into a one man rally. Just imagine all personal sites would do that. Hmm. What would happen? (I am afraid there are bigger forces at work here... some problems older than the World Wide Web.) Still, visit www.stefanbecht.de. Show stafen your support. Send him a note. Let him know you know.

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