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January 31, 2003
Subway series 14-15

Calling the books strictly Subway sketchbooks is probably a bit misleading. I do not only use them in the subway, of course. Sometimes the books make it to high floors and places that are nothing like the New York City Subway system. This drawing happened in the back room of the Marian Goodman Gallery. There were these curtains in the windows and I just snuck behind one of them and found it humorous how these elegant town houses on 58th street were now very much dwarfed by whatever had been built on 57th Street. It is a New York Classic. Elaborate houses that might have had a view of some sort are now condemned to face some simple back facade. Oh well, 58th Street is not bad, of course. There are real horror stories (this one is unfortunately completely true.) of people having river views and then some skyscraper being built just (3!) inches away from their windows. Frightening, isn’t it?
The buildings on 58th Street look like good old friends. I also have the feeling that they are going to stay on that block for a little while. Enough money is being poured onto them to keep them happy even in a street that is just a block away, from the most expensive mile in the world.


i adore your writing but what happened to posting sketches in order to give yr' wrist a break? ;)

Posted by: em!ly on January 31, 2003 12:05 PM

Oh, I would like to write so much more...

Posted by: Witold on January 31, 2003 12:10 PM

I lived in boston for many years as a young single adult... my studio looked out into an alley- where everything came out in the wee hours... the whores, the addicts, the rats, the homeless. I looked out and saw blueish grey bricks... and down into the pit. I loved that studio so much- and miss it. Now, some 12 years later I live on 3 acres of perfect pristine natural habitat. That is where the name of my blog cames into play... I look out and see trees, a rapid wide creek- birds, etc. etc. I was an urbanite- and to a degree still am. But there is nothing on earth like the greenlife. I hope you get a chance to experience it on occassion.
see my view from my office..

Posted by: vikki 'busgirl' willis on January 31, 2003 12:40 PM

I find your subway sketches absolutely breathtaking, but this one may be my favorite. Thanks.

Posted by: Donna on January 31, 2003 01:37 PM

thank you so much! If we continue like this, I will somply melt away in my chair. All these kind comments. I am really glad you like these little drawings. : )

Vikki, the view out of your office window is amazing...
Do you get to see many birds? Any other wildlife?

Posted by: Witold on January 31, 2003 03:19 PM

Hi Witold-
I kept a blog last year, "Girl on a Bus"- and then this past October I relocated out into the deep woods- into an old hunter's cabin. Actually it used to be 2 cabins, but some smarty pants built a run between the two connecting them into one wandering rustic cabin. I am a wildlife photographer- a nature girl w/ a city bent... :) best of both worlds... :) I record everything I see on my new blog- "Mygreenlife". I did have a running total of things I see- wildlife, etc... but when I redesigned= I lost the count... oh well- out to cyberspace-...
I have seen amny deer, several snakes, and everything in between. There are 100's of birds- and coyotes- and so many butterflies. My first spring is coming... and I am filled with anticipation and a bit of fear of what I might discover. :) Rumor has it there are many deadly snakes... Stay tuned!

Posted by: vikki 'busgirl' willis on February 1, 2003 01:15 PM
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